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bugmenot0 Jan 23, 2020 | -8

She should pray to God that she never meets me. I would violate her sexually and make her do all sorts of nasty things. I would fuck every orifice in her body and would not stop until cum is pouring out from all of them. I would fuck her breasts as well as her butt cheeks and jizz all over her face. We would engage in such vigorous sexual acts that she wouldn't have the strength to walk straight for days.

BanePendragon Jan 26, 2020 | 1

Fucking sick piece of shit, ain't ya? Hope your cellmate does the same after your ass is arrested for sexual battery.

bugmenot0 Jan 26, 2020 | -3

Woah!! Calm down there mate. I mentioned just about her meeting me and we engaging in sexual relations not because I would force myself on her, but just because I'm not narrating a romantic story. I strongly believe in consent and I wouldn't touch a hair on anybody who doesn't want me, let alone this lady. Every I said I would do to her would happen only if she agrees to it. So take a chill pill and relax!

BanePendragon Jan 27, 2020 | 1

"I would violate her sexually and make her do all sorts of nasty things". That's not what someone who "strongly believe(s) in consent" would say. Violating someone, anyone is going against their consent. It is in fact you forcing yourself on them, especially "mak(ing)her do all sorts of nasty things". If you would just love to have sexual relations with her, maybe next time go with something a little tamer. It doesn't need to be a "romantic story", but fuck, how about something that doesn't start so violent? Just consider this advice to think about what you're typing next time.

bugmenot0 Jan 27, 2020 | -2

I meant what I said in a role play, BDSM sense of things. But now I can see how it would seem over the top, not to mention violent and illegal, to any one who is not me. Appreciate you pointing that out. Duly noted.

Himanshu koli Jun 24, 2017 | -1

Its good